2021 Virtual Meeting

ECCR Meeting Abstracts Published

We are pleased to announce that the abstracts form the 24th Annual ECCR meeting (virtual) have been published by Clinical Science.  Please click below for publication.

ECCR 2021 meeting

Date: Friday 8th and Saturday 9th October 2021.

We would like to thank all delegates for attending our meeting!

Friday, October 8, 2021

All times are CEST/CET

9.00–9.15 h. Welcome and opening – Marisol Fernandez-Alfonso, ECCR president

9.15-11.00 h. ECRs selected oral communications.

Moderators: Marta Gil Ortega (Spain), Armond Daci (Kosovo)

11.00-11.15 Break

11.15–13.00 Session 1 – Cardiovascular health in women.

(Joint session with WiHR – Women in Hypertension Research ISH)

Moderator: Ulrike Muscha Steckelings (Denmark), Maria Christina Zennaro (France)

  • 11.40 Genetics of coronary artery dissection and fibromuscular dysplasia. Nabila Bouatia-Naji (France)
  • Mineralocorticoid receptor blockade and cardiovascular health in women. Antoine Ouvrard Pascaud (France)
  • Age and sex in hypertension prevalence, awareness, and control. Alexandra Konradi (Russia)
  • Novel aspects of Preeclampsia. Christian Delles (UK)

13.00-14.00 Break

14.00-15.45 h Session 2 –Vascular damage: an update on mechanisms

Moderator: Damiano Rizzoni (Italy), Carmine Savoia (Italy)

14.00- 14.25 Complex mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction; in vivo endothelial profiling in murine model of cardiovascular disease. Stefan Chlopicki (Poland)

14.25-14.50 Mechanisms of vascular remodeling and stiffening. Luis Martinez-Lemus (USA)

14.50-15.15 The Nitric Oxide Signalling Pathway in Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection. Juan Miguel Redondo (Spain)

15.15-15.40 Long Non-Coding RNA in vascular disease. Reinier A Boon (The Netherlands)

15.45-16.00 Break

16.00-17.45 Session 3 – Hot topics: Covid-19 and cardiovascular disease

Organizer and moderator Michael Bader (Germany), Marisol Fernández-Alfonso (Spain)

Sponsored by DZHK (Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung / German Center for Cardiovascular Research)

16.00-16.25 COVID-19 – an immunothrombotic disease. Ursula Rauch-Kröhnert (Germany)

16.25-16.50 Autoimmune mechanisms in COVID-19 associated coagulopathy. Wolfram Ruf (Germany)

16.50-17.15 The Role of Anti-Coagulation and Beta-blockers in COVID-19 Patients. Valentín Fuster (USA/Spain)

17.15-17.40 The different faces of COVID-19-related heart disease. Sophie Van Linthout (Germany)

17.45-18.00 Break

18.00-19.20 Session 3 – Early career researchers’ session.

Moderators: Giacomo Rossito (Italy), Myrthe Van Der Bruggen (The Netherlands)

18.00-18.25 How to avoid the impostor syndrome in Science – Stephanie Watts (USA)

18.25-18.50 How to write a grant application – Jennifer Pollock (USA)

18.50-19.15 How to start a successful early career in research. Paul Meakin (UK).

19.30-20.30 Social activity. Hosted by Augusto Montezano


Saturday, October 9, 2021

8.30-10.15 h Poster + oral communications sessions

10.15 – 10.30 h Break

10.30-12.15 h Session 5 – Novel aspects of immunity in cardiovascular disease

Moderator: Agostino Virdis (Italy), Ana Briones (Spain)

10.00-10.25 Neural Control of Immunity in Cardiovascular Diseases. Daniela Carnevale (Italy)

10.25-10.50 B lymphocytes and atherosclerosis. Almudena Ramiro (Spain)

10.50-11.15 The role of sodium in modulating immune cell function.

Dominik N. Müller (Germany)

11.15-11.40 Lipid mediators for the resolution of inflammation in atherosclerosis and valvular heart disease. Magnus Back (Sweden)

12.15-12.30 h Break

12.30-13.30 h Session 6 – Business meets Academia. Science and technology for life.

Moderator: Koen Reesink (Netherlands), Marko Poglitsch (Austria)

Multi-modal (single) cell and tissue phenotyping technology for mechanobiology research – an evolving business perspective.  Joint presentation and demos by Confocal.nl – Jeroen Kole and Optics11Life – Jakob Pyszkowski.

13.30-13.45 h Awards

13.45-14.00h Closing remarks

Organizing Committee

Ana Briones, Matthias Barton, Marko Poglitsch, Koen Reesink, Carmine Savoia, Maria-Christina Zennaro, Marta Gil-Ortega (Early Career Researcher), Francisco Rios (Early Career Researcher), Giacomo Rossitto (Early Career Researcher) 

Please click here to download the full programme.